Friday, October 17, 2014

A binful of Sibes & an interesting Arctic Warbler

Two hours in Suan Rot Fai before work, with the highlight being when I raised by binoculars to view a Thick-billed Warbler and found a Siberian Rubythroat lurking just behind it before disappearing, never to be seen again.

I also found this very well-marked Arctic Warbler which was silent but has me thinking it may be a good candidate for Kamchatka Leaf Warbler (P. examinandus). Sadly it did not call, and didn't give an especially obvious response to a sound recording of P. examinandus but on plumage it immediately looked like a very different kind of Arctic Warbler - very well marked supercilium (much broader and brighter that the dowdy P. borealis I'm used to seeing) and the yellow suffusion around the face seems to favour examinandus - but without the call or biometrics I'm just speculating.

P. examinandus???

In addition to this bird I had two Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warblers, one of which showed interest in and responded to my Sakhalin recording, a lone Eastern Crowned Warbler and at least five Yellow-browed Warblers. The same area held an incessantly calling Monarchidae but I was to busy with the phylloscs to bother working out if it was an Asian Paradise Fly or Black-naped Monarch.

I also encountered at least two Ashy Minivets as well as four Brown Shrikes, lone Black-naped Oriole and leucogenis Ashy Drongo, and a Blue-tailed Bee-eater.

a rather splendid  male lucionensis Brown Shrike

Black-capped Kingfisher

Eastern Crowned Warbler

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