Spent a couple of hours at Suan Rot Fai this morning. Zero interest in the first hour (continuing on from the previous evening's inactivity), but a few migrants after that, with single female YELLOW-RUMPED FLYCATCHER, ASIAN BROWN FLYCATCHER, a COMMON KINGFISHER and the first BROWN SHRIKE of the autumn.
I also had a couple of welcome encounters in the shape of the first COLLARED KINGFISHER that I've seen on the patch in a while, and was somewhat incredulous to find this BLUE-THROATED BARBET.

There are several sub species of Blue-throated Barbet,
which ranges from Pakistan across to Vietnam. This
bird is of the race
davidsoni, identified by the blue band
across the middle of the crown.
I presume that this bird is an escapee, as it is a sedentary species, and is not known from central Thailand...and Bangkok's infamous chatuchak market is very close to the park. Still, nice to see, and it's better off in the park than in a cage! I also had very bad views of a perched immature accipiter which appeared to show a greyish face - consistant with Chinese Sparrowhawk - but the views were crap and (of course) the camera was in my backpack.

Bangkok's "normal" barbet species was much in evidence this morning,
this bird calling incessantly (note inflated throat pouch)

Female common kingfisher, with attractive feather on bill...?

This ABF seemed to have a stronger malar stripe
than the bird seen on Thursday.