Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Head scratching on an accipiter

Pre-work visit to Suan Rot Fai rewarded with nice views of a 1cy BROWN SHRIKE hiding in dense bamboo and impersonating a tiger (shrike), hearing an ASIAN BROWN FLYCATCHER calling whilst watching said shrike, a group of 3+ BLUE-TAILED BEE-EATERS overhead, and perched views of an Accipiter spp which hung around long enough for photos whilst it devoured some poor unfortunate. I was hoping for Chinese or Japanese Sprawk as they are both passage migrants - a quick look at Fergusson-Lees & Christie had me reeling - "they all look the blood same!" but subsequent (slightly more thorough) investigation seems to exclude Chinese, but I've not yet had time to edit/compare the pictures properly (I expect it's just a Shikra).

Hide-and-seek with a Brown Shrike

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