Saturday, January 18, 2014

Brown Rubies

A couple of hours on the patch in cool early morning weather enabled me to get better photos of one of the two Siberian Rubythroats still present.  Interestingly I watched one of these birds eating a tiny frog! Whilst photographing it I  also had brief views of a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler.

Siberian Rubythroat

Also seen this morning were a probable Claudia's Leaf Warbler seen badly, but calling - an unfamiliar rather monotone single note which caught my attention, but the bird disappeared before giving good enough views, and I have no sound recording of the call to compare (all recordings on Xeno Canto are of the song). Other notables today included one Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher, two Black-naped Monarchs and a posse of five Red-breasted Parakeets.


Thaibirdspot said...

Had my first trip to your patch this morning.... still no rubies for me...555

Thaibirdspot said...

BTW do you ever see Violet Cuckoos on your patch????

David Gandy said...

No Violet (or Emerald) Cuckoo for me yet, byut I think Violet has been recorded). I suspect Emerald is a rare winter visitor.

Thaibirdspot said...