Friday, December 11, 2009

10th Dec - Khao Yai National Park

After a BIG office party held just outside Khao Yai National park I spent the day recovering by wondering around the park, enjoying the fabulously cool weather.

Birding highlight of the day was a SILVER-RUMPED NEEDLETAIL (a world tick no less) that did a couple of sorties overhead.  Birding was rather quite otherwise, with  SCALY-BREASTED PARTRIDGE (heard only), a fruiting tree that was frequented by MOUSTACHED and GREEN-EASRED BARBETS and a female POMPADOUR GREEN PIGEON, CHESTNUT-HEADED BEE-EATERS feeding by diving into one of the small reservoirs (?!), MOUNTAIN IMPERIAL PIGEON, and ASHY MINIVET.

Excellent views were also had of a mother WHITE-HANDED GIBBON and her teenage offspring...

I was also told that a Binturong has been frequenting  a fruiting tree at the start of the Radar Road (behind the buildings on the left hand side of the road, opposite the small shop), so spent the last hour of day light staking it out (some colleagues of mine had seen it there the previous day).  The Binturong didn't put in an appearance, but a pair of THREE-STRIPED PALM CIVETS were excellent compensation.

The drive out of the park at night always hold the chance of seeing ASIAN ELEPHANT, and this drive out was no exception, with two encounters - the first being one adult on the road, but several others crashing about in the darkness nearby.  The second involved 4 individuals on the road (including two youngsters). Always nice to see, but they still fill me with trepidation.....

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