Saturday, April 4, 2009

0600-0800 hrs at Suan Rot Fai, after a night of extremely violent thunderstorms, and in the hope of picking up some migrants.

The main evidence of migration was a flock of 30+ Black-naped Orioles, including a number of singing males.
This oriole was busy hassling an Asian Koel.

I heard what sounded like a phyllosc, but never got onto it - call sounded like a yellow-browed, but richer and less harsh in quality (?). Wintering spp still present included 3 Asian Brown Flycatchers (no Taiga Fly), one Black-capped Kingfisher and a Brown Shrike (confusus) seen battering a large cicada into the afterlife.

Brown Shrike (post-cicada meal)

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Chinese Pond Heron, breeding plumage - lots of these seen today, plus one Javan.

This Indian Roller was rather upset because its barely-flying fledgeing had left the nest and was tumbling around in the trees along one of the waterways.

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