Monday, October 2, 2017

September summary

Time has been limited for birding and writing up notes - I've been posting more on Twitter and have started recording me records on eBird.

With travel away from Thailand during late August, my first autumn passerine migrant was an Asian Brown Flycatcher on 10th Sept (actually if truth be known my first passerine migrant of Autumn 2017 was was a Red-eyed Vireo in Panama on 26th August!), and this was followed with earliest dates as follows: a male and female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher and a Brown Shrike on 19th Sept, Eastern Crowned Warbler on 21st Sept, Common Kingfisher, Arctic Warbler and Taiga Flycatcher on 27th Sept,  and Siberian Blue Robin (a fantastic male!) and Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher on 29th.

1 comment:

  1. In the story the author brings out the themes of friendship and freedom. The author has reflected the friendship between the Princess and the bird with utmost care. Both show their love in their individual love language test ways. The princess lets the bird free even though she wanted it for herself.The lesson “Princess September” by Somerset Maugham revolves around the youngest daughter of the King and Queen of Siam named 'September'. It all begins when her parrot dies and a singing bird comes in its place. Her sisters then provoke her to lock the free bird in a cage if she did not want to lose him
