Monday, March 28, 2016

March odds and ends

The last month has been busy with a trip to the UK, travel to Mae Sot and various work commitments. Birding time has been a bit thin on the ground, so for the most part I'll just caption a few images in this post.

male Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
female Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

A pair of Scarlet-backed Flowerpeckers raised two chicks in our front garden in early March. Our balcony made an excellent viewing platform.

Arriving in the UK in early March I spent just a couple of days with birding friends in Norfolk.  The rarest bird of the trip was a Rough-legged Buzzard seen very distantly at Chosley Drying Barns.  There were also several Yellowhammers around that area which showed well.

male Yellowhammer, Chosley, Norfolk

female Yellowhammer, Chosley, Norfolk

Whilst in Norfolk we also went Adder'ing on one of the first warm days on the spring, with a couple of males seen and this one photographed.

Once back in Thailand in mid-March I had to visit Mae Sot for work.  An early morning visit to fields around Mae Sot airport on 18th produced a migrant Himalayan Cuckoo, singing Horsfield's Bushlark, several Red-throated Pipits and a couple of Little Bee-eaters.

Little Bee-eater

On returning to Bangkok a couple of short trips to Suan Rot Fai produced another Himalayan Cuckoo and a Taiga Flycatcher that had completed its moult to breeding plumage (below)  on 23rd, a Black Baza prospecting for a roosting site late one on the afternoon of 25th, as well as 2-3 Black-winged Cuckooshrikes and Ashy Minivet on 27th. Spring passage is really getting going now.

Himalayan Cuckoo, Suan Rot Fai
Taiga Flycatcher, Suan Rot Fai

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