Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Khao Yai National Park

I spent last Wednesday/Thursday visiting Khao Yai with my friend Guy Anderson who has been surveying Spoon-billed sandpipers in Myanmar for the past couple of weeks.

Khao Yai lived up to expectations, offering some excellent forest birding in the short time I had available (a late afternoon and a full day).  Highlights included four Siamese Fireback, at least three Blue Pitta (heard only), Orange-breasted Trogon, Blue-bearded Bee-eater, two Heart-spotted Woodpecker, two Black and Buff Woodpecker, one Large Scimitar Babbler, one White-browed Scimitar Babbler, one Asian Stubtail, three Great Eared Nightjar, Banded Broadbill (heard only), Puff-throated Babbler and a single Silver-backed Needletail with a flock of 14 Brown Needletails.  Mammals were in evidence with an Elephant seen on a salt lick and both White-handed and Pileated Gibbons vocal.

Siamese Fireback


Sambar fawn

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