Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The fields are alive with the sound of Rubythroats

vocal and widespread

I'm working in Mae Sot for a few days this week. November seems to be a great time to go birding in the rice paddies here, with Siberian Rubythroats calling all over the place, and many other freshly arrived wintering birds very active.

This morning's tally on a pre-breakfast wander produced at least five Rubythroats, four Black-browed Reed Warblers (presumably still on passage as this was the first time I've seen them in this area), two Thick-billed Warblers, two Dusky Warblers, four Grey-headed Lapwings, one male and one juv Pied Harrier, four Brown Shrikes, one Eastern Yellow Wagtail, at least ten Amur Wagtails and six Siberian Stonechats.

Notable resident birds included  three Strawberry Finches (a much better name than "Red Avadavat"!) and a Black-shouldered Kite.

Black-browed Reed Warbler

Sibe Stoner

Satanic Strawberry Finch

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