Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Grey-headed Lapwing on the patch

Suan Rot Fai 0610-0845 hrs, before work.  Early morning produced  nothing much commuting over the park until I glimpsed a large bird moving away from me with deep, purposeful wing beats, but almost immediately lost to view.  I was convinced that it was a Grey-headed Lapwing, but on the views I got I could not entirely rule out a simple Pond Heron error!  I thought I'd lost it, and was a bit gutted, given that this would be only my third record of the Lapwing for the patch, but a couple of minutes later I heard a wader-like call ans sure enough the bird passed back over, long enough for me to get views to confirm the ID and grab a couple of crappy record shots.

Grey-headed Lapwing

Other migrants were in evidence with a Two-barred Greenish Warbler heard, my first Eastern Crowned Warbler  of the autumn (amazing that I have not run into one yet this year, considering they start turning up in August!), four Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warblers, two Yellow-browed Warblers and a Thick-billed Warbler heard tac'ing in dense cover.  Aside from the warblers were my first two Black-naped Monarchs of the winter, five Brown Shrikes, more than ten Taiga Flycatchers and five Asian Brown Flycatchers.

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