Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pied Harrier on the deck

Tues-Thurs this week sees me working in Mae Sot, so this morning I went out for a pre-breakfast wander in the rice fields around Mae Tao.  The highlight of the morning was this male Pied Harrier that gave prolonged views on the deck, not very far from track that I was driving on.  This was one of 2-3 individuals (one female and 1-2 males) in this area, though I couldn't figure out why it was spending so much time on the ground - it didn't appear to be feeding, but simply loafing.

Other padders included three Siberian Rubythroats heard, single Red-throated Pipit, Richard's Pipit, Paddyfield Pipit, five Eastern Yellow Wagtails, Dusky Warbler, Siberian Stonechat and good numbers of Scaly-breasted Munia, House Sparrows and Asian Golden Weavers.

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