Sunday, March 8, 2015

7th March - first signs of migration

A visit to Suan Rot Fai produced a couple of notable birds in the form of an Intermediate Egret (not common in the centre of the city) and a party of approximately 10 Ashy Minivets (a species I strongly associate with passage migration). There also seemed to be quite a number of Brown Shrikes around, with eight individuals seen, perhaps some migrants amongst them?

Last weekend's Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike was still present, and gave itself up for the camera. Everything else was as to be expected, including Chinese and Javan Pond Herons, a group of 20 Cattle Egrets with several birds attaining breeding plumage, and a couple of Little Egrets. Passerines included at least five Taiga Flycatchers (all in heavy moult) and three Asian Brown Flycatchers, whilst a single Black-naped Monarch and the two Radde's Warblers were still present in the Secret Garden.

Intermediate Egret

Eastern Cattle Egret

Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike

Male Plaintive Cuckoo

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