Tuesday, March 3, 2015

26th & 27th Feb - Pak Thale & Laem Pak Bia

I spent last Thursday and Friday taking visitors to look for the specialities that can be found around Pak Thale & Laem Pak Bia, following a similar route north to south on both days.

We secured views of Spoon-billed Sandpiper (presumablt the same individual both days), Nordmann's Greenshank (6 on the 26th, and 45 on the 27th), and Asian Dowitcher (5-10 seen) by 9.30am on both days. Laem Pak Bia sandspit delivered the goods without any trouble, with two Chinese Egrets, Malaysian Plovers, a single male White-faced Plover, between five and seven Pallas's Gulls, as well as Crested and Lesser Crested Terns.

Other notables included two Heuglin's Gulls (including a breeding plumaged adult), 30+ Oriental Pratincoles, 2,000+ Great Knot, 29 Pied Avocet a single Red-necked Phalarope and a male Painted Snipe.

On 27th we had time to visit Nong Plaa Lai ricefields where we found the Yellow-breasted Bunting flock still in residence, plus five Greater Spotted Eagles.

Chinese Egret

Malaysian Plovers

my best looking Pallas's Gull ever!

Pallas's Gulls
Oriental Pratincole

Whilst watching the White-faced Plover at Laem Pak Bia I managed to capture the sequence of images below, documenting it being attacked by a female Malaysian Plover who obviously didn't want him on her patch of beach.

get off my land!

after being given a good hiding by a lady, it is best to puff out your chest...
...and fly away to a safer piece of beach!

1 comment:

  1. That last shot of the take off is very nice! You utilized good field craft to get this one!
