Monday, February 2, 2015

"Hartert's" Leaf Warbler

A number of observers visited Suan Rot Fai yesterday morning and this morning, securing more and better photos of the mystery Phyllosc. These images can be found here and here.

The consensus amongst all observers is that this is a Hartert's Leaf Warbler of the nominate form goodsoni, with expert opinion sought from Paul Leader, who agrees on the ID. This bird is endemic to China, and I am unaware of any records from outside of that country. Whilst I was fortunate enough to relocate the bird on Saturday, 31st January credit for its identification really belongs with Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok and Philip Round who initially suggested Hartert's Leaf Warbler after seeing a single, highly color-saturated image taken by a Chaiwat Tangpradit on 17th January and posted on Thai Bird Report by Smith Sutibut on 23rd January. Many thanks also to Wich'yanan, Andrew Pierce, Mark Andrews and Paul Leader for discussions on this bird.

If the bird sticks around efforts may be made to mist net it for biometrics and DNA sampling to confirm the ID beyond doubt.

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