Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Large Hawk-cuckoo

I did a couple of hours in Suan Rot Fai before work, prompted just a little bit by news that a female Siberian Thrush had been photographed there on Monday.

Whilst I didn't run into the Thrush (it was looked for but not seen yesterday), I managed to find a Large Hawk-cuckoo, which is only my second patch record. This bird was being harassed by a Large-billed Crow, which seemed to have fallen for the pseudo-accipiter-esque features of this bird (which indeed I also did on first seeing it).  The bird was pretty flighty and when perched was seen only in gloomy early morning light under the canopy of a large tree, so no photos. All the other Hawk-cuckoo species could be eliminated on size alone.

Other highlights this morning included a stunning male Black-naped Monarch, the first Dusky Warbler of the winter, two Grey-headed Canary Flycatchers,  2-3 Thick-billed Warblers and a Stork-billed Kingfisher.

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