Sunday, August 17, 2014

News from the East...

The news that there had been a Yellow-rumped Flycatcher seen in eastern Thailand a few days ago (on 13th Aug, infact) signaled that passerine migrants are now arriving in Thailand.  As such I made a short trip to investigate the nearest substantial patch of trees to my house (at the Ministry of Public Relations) and after a little time and a bit of pishing an Eastern Crowned Warbler appeared in front of me - what a sight for sore eyes! This was a very bright bird - with a lovely yellow suffusion on the vent and a well-marked central crown stripe.  Adults undergo a complete post-nuptial moult on the breeding grounds, so arrive here in fresh plumage (Round, 2008).

And so, it begins - the months of birdless Bangkok summer are over and the joy of  a long drawn out autumn passage (from now until early December) has begun. My earliest migrant passerine in previous years was a Dark-sided Flycatcher on 20th August, and I think my earliest ECW has been on about 21st August, so today's  bird was something of a "personal best"!

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