Sunday, April 13, 2014

Another Ruddy Year

Today is Songkhran - Thai New Year and an excuse for the whole of Thailand to take an extended holiday and have a massive water fight!

I'll perhaps partake in the festivities later in the holiday, but this morning I hit Suan Rotfai  early for some migrant hunting.  Things started very slowly, but gradually picked up with a tally of one female Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, two Asian Brown Flycatchers, three Taigas, at least three Thick-billed Warblers, two Brown Shrikes, at least one roving flock of roughly 15 Ashy Minivets, a lovely pair of Forest Wagtails and best of all: a fleeting glimpse of a Ruddy Kingfisher - a good local rarity and the second one that I have found on the patch (the other bird being on 12th April last year, on the same stretch of khlong).

One of a pair of Forest Wagtails

Asian Brown Flycatcher

This young Indian Roller was freshly out of the nest

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