Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pre-breakfast chats

I'm in Mae Sot for a couple of days this week, so an early morning visit to "patch-away-from-patch" produced a few birds to help keep me sane against the background of a huge workload.  The male Pied Harrier that I've seen on my last two visits also showed very well this morning, quartering roadside fields and making a couple of close passes.  Other raptors badly seen included what I think was a japonicus Common Buzzard, and a probable Rufous-winged Buzzard glimpsed.

The chats performed well with single Bluethroat and Siberian Rubythroat, plus several Siberian Stonechats and Pied Bush Chats.  The final notable birds that I saw were an Eastern Yellow Wagtail, a small party of Chestnut-capped Babblers and a Ruddy-breasted Crake in terrible light.

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