Sunday, March 30, 2014

Khao Yai NP, 25th-28th March

Oriental Pied Hornbill

Four days in Khao Yai National Park produced a good selection of target birds....

Siamese Fireback - a group of four  and a pair seen on the HQ loop trail one morning (one male displaying, and excellent views of a female perched at eye level).  Another two males were seen displaying on the Radar Road.

Silver Pheasant - seen on the Radar Road everyday, including a male displaying that gave excellent views.

Jerdon's Baza - one seen and heard calling over the lower section of the Radar Road.

Eurasian Woodcock - one seen over grassland at dusk.

Silver-backed Needletail - a pair seen bathing in a lake between the HQ and the Radar Road.

Hornbills - Great, Wreathed and Oriental Pied Hornbills seen regularly.  Absolutely no contact with Austin's Brown Hornbill (still my bogey bird).

Eared Pitta - one heard calling on the lower section of the Radar Road, and glimpsed briefly.

Blue Pitta - daily total of up to four males calling along the Radar Road.

Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo - one pair and at least two other birds located by call.  One bird seen very well on the Radar Road. There has apparently been one individual coming to feed at the HQ restaurant kitchen most afternoons recently.

Blue-and-white/Zappey's Flycatcher - one female seen. I'm unsure if females can be ID'd to species in the field?

White-throated Rock Thrush - two males seen  near the HQ.

White-throated Rock Thrush

Asian Fairy Bluebird

Jerdon's Baza

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